You can make this greeting card! Just print it out, color it in any way you want it, and follow the directions for putting it together. |
Click on the card above to get a full size image you can print out yourself.
1. Color the pictures of Santa Claus and the fireplace. |
2. Cut and remove shaded areas.
3. Cut the line above and below the fireplace. Be sure to cut along the dotted lines. |
4. From the back of the fireplace picture, slide the Santa Claus picture into the top cut out slot. Then, pull it through to the front side of the fireplace picture and into the bottom cut out slot. Now, pull the Santa Claus up and down and see him come down the chimney! |
If you make the Christmas card,
you can get an Honorary Elf Diploma.
Santa Claus has an Honorary Elf Diploma for you if you complete the "Create A Christmas Card" game. You will also be given the secret Elf Greeting. Be sure to use this greeting any time you meet someone you think may be an Elf. Try it with your friends, too. You never know how many of them have been to Santa Claus Elf School, just like you!